segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2009

Traslating Machine

Something very surprising happened yesterday while I was at my friend's.
A cousin of mine who I don't talk for a long time popped up greeting me and saying those things we normally do when chatting to friends. I found that really strange, but the point didn't took long to arrive.
She asked me to translate an abstract from Portuguese to English, because she needed that to present a work in a congress and blah blah blah....
Okay I felt like not accepting at first, but then I realized she wanted me to do that for free and well as I'm someone who thinks we teachers have to value our profession I accepted that not saying that I'd ask for a payment for the job. I think she was all happy because I'd translate her paper but before saying good-bye I said: Alright, so it's 20 bucks, is that okay? In my opinion she felt a little embarrassed because she gave that "yellow" smile and said, it was okay.
When I got home and told this story to my mother she loved it, since my mother doesn't like my cousin very much. She thinks my cousin is very stuck up! Well, I must admit it's not only her that thinks so... hehehe

11 comentários:

Vini Barros disse...

AUHAUHAUHUAHHAU my idea to ask her 20 bucks! I do deserve half of it! HUAHUAHUHUAHUHAUHAU

Elisama disse...

Everybody have a cousin like that...

Marcos Braga disse...

How come u want half of my money?
If you translate half of it!!! xD

Vini Barros disse...

AUHUHAUHUA noops! just gimme the money! xD

Marcos Braga disse...

Noope, it's not okay to receive money without working! lol

Vini Barros disse...

I did work, I suggested you to ask her the money, I had the mental work! xD!

Marcos Braga disse...

Not really, the mental work started when I wrote the text in google translate. xD

Vini Barros disse...

HAUHAHUHAUUHAU c you did not work as well!

Marcos Braga disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Marcos Braga disse...

Okay! Topic Over! :X

Rosy disse...

Isso mesmo. Certíssimo. As pessoa abusam da nossa generosidade.