segunda-feira, outubro 26, 2009

Internet, net net...

Today at the 8th Technical Meeting at school, I could learn a lot of different things related to the teaching of English. I'm really fond of those kind of things because we can share all the theoretical and practical things we study and learn, and that motivates me a lot!
I've watched 2 lectures today about games and interesting websites we can use with our students. at the moment I'm trying a new one called xtranormal (great to create dialogs) I'm going to post it here any other day. But you can create yours too.
Well, that's nice to come back to the posts. See you around!

PS: Nice table isn't it?

Um comentário:

Natália Matos disse...

Hello Teacher, I will never visit this blogger, because it is all in Englis.

Precisei da ajuda dos tradutores online pra escrever este comentário..
